Mrs. Christine Dahl's Obituary

To the Memory of Mrs. Christine Dahl

After being confined to her bed for five weeks, Mrs. Christine Dahl passed from this life, at the old family homestead west of Clifton, Easter Sunday evening, March 27, 1910.

Her critical condition had been apparent for some days, so that when the end did come it was no surprise to her family and friends. The deceased was born in Norway, July 31st, 1834, and together with an aunt came to America in the year 1852, to join the Four Mile settlement in eastern Texas. A year later she was married to Mr. Hendrick Dahl. In 1855 the young couple moved to Bosque Co. and established their home in the Turkey Creek Valley west of Clifton, where she continued to reside to the day of her death.

Hendrick Dahl, Sr. died in 1873, leaving a widow and nine children. Of these seven are living at the present time, and were with their mother at the time of her death; two have gone to their eternal reward: Mrs. M. Hoff, who died in 1898, and Mrs. Chr. Holen who died in 1902.

The seven are: Ole Dahl of Caddo Co. Okla, Peder Dahl, Christian Dahl, [ed note. Andrew Dahl omitted in original], Mrs. N. Jacob Nelson, Mrs. Emil Bekkelund and Mrs. Ole C. Pederson. The last six are well and favorably known residents of Bosque Co.

Her grand and great-grand children number about sixty. Mrs. Madam Dahl, as she was familiarly called, was an active and energetic woman, with commanding influence and rare executive ability. Her strong personality made her a woman of influence in a marked degree. The welfare of her children, even after their days of dependence upon her, was always a matter of deep concern and interest to that true mother heart.

Mrs. Dahl was a life-long member of the Lutheran church, which she dearly loved. At the Sunday services her place in the home Church was not vacant except for valid reasons. She loved the Word of God, and has also in this respect given to her family and many friends a rich and beautiful heritage in the noble christian example. Though she had labored much for others, Christ and his righteousness was her all unto salvation.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the home of Christian Dahl and the Norse Lutheran Church. Rev. J. K. Rystad the pastor of the deceased, spoke appropriately on Phil. 1, 21. and paid a beautiful tribute to the faith and life of the departed. Rev. P.E. Thorson spoke a few appropriate words in a similar strain.

The concourse of relatives and friends completely filled the church. Six grandsons acted as pall bearers. Thus was laid to rest one of the noble pioneer women of Bosque County.

- copied from the Clifton Record